A Sage essence being made in my garden. Sage open us up to new insights about our lives, legacies, and the gifts that come only with time, connecting us to the larger themes of wisdom and perspective.


Flower Essences

Flower essences are the poetry of plant medicine. They’re an energetic or vibrational remedy that is worked with to help one better understand patterns of an emotional, psychological, or spiritual nature. Essences are made by placing a flower into a bowl of spring water and letting the energy of the flower infuse into the water. The water is then preserved with alcohol and ingested in drop doses throughout the day for several weeks at a time.

Each flower has an affinity to a particular energetic theme.  For example, Sunflowers have an affinity to the themes of confidence and self-expression, Yarrow flower has an affinity to the theme of boundaries, and Irises have an affinity to the theme of creativity. When we work with a particular flower, our understanding of these themes is expanded, opening us up to new insights and ways of understanding ourselves and the world. How you will experience an essence is deeply personal, the layers of the work unfurling like a blossom within the unique context of your lived experience.

Flower essences do not replace the services of a qualified mental health professional, but like journaling or creative practices, they are intended to be a tool for self-growth and exploration, and are quite complimentary to the work of other practitioners. Flower essences do not contain any of the chemical constituents of the plant (they are not the same as essential oils, a highly concentrated botanical extract). For this reason, they are considered very safe for just about everyone, and can easily be worked with alongside other medications and therapies.


An essence of Borage being made. Borage opens the heart-space and helps us feel connected to a sense of greater purpose, placing our lives within the context of an ever-expanding cosmos.

Here are some examples of ways I’ve incorporated essences into my work with clients:

  • to work through anxiety, fear, anger, or grief;

  • to strengthen boundaries, deepen embodiment, and nurture a grounded relationship to the Earth;

  • to navigate transition with grace, or to gain clarity around identity and life purpose;

  • to enhance creativity and catalyze change;

  • to feel more connected to self and supported by spirit.

Flower essences are available in all herbal consultations, but I also welcome flower essence-only consultations. 

Flower Essence Consultations are 30 minute conversations during which we’ll discuss the ways in which essences may be helpful for you. After the consultation, I’ll put together a custom 1 oz essence formula for you and offer extensive suggestions for how to work with it.